13 workshops, 11 towns, 8 cantons… and only one country of course. This completes the cycle of introductory workshops to RERO ILS started at the end of November 2019 and carried out in both German- and French-speaking Switzerland. The RERO central office draws a generally positive balance of this action.
Read More →Work, expression, manifestation, item, one, two, three, four,… a heady nursery rhyme that people working in libraries are now familiar with. Indeed, these four concepts are regularly chanted in specialised conferences and in library science classes. More broadly, they reflect an evolution of bibliographic models (LRM), cataloguing rules (RDA) and data exchange formats (Bibframe). Our French neighbours usually call this movement the “bibliographic transition”. And the RERO ILS project does not escape it, quite the contrary: it is fully imbued with it. The use of Bibliostratus shows this.
The rest of the article is available on French or German.
Since the RERO Day in March 2019, two versions of RERO ILS have been released. They provide a consolidation of the existing system, early support of the consortial model, an improvement of the search engine and circulation notifications.
The version notes are as follows:
Read More →End of March, a new rero ils version (v0.1.0a21) was released:
Below is a short description of the main new features.
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